Donald Trump’s Claims About Pima County — Wrong Again, Still

Benny White, J.D.

Yesterday, October 15, 2021 the unannounced campaign of Donald Trump for President 2024 issued a Press Release which contained a number of false claims about what happened in the 2020 General Election in Pima County.

I used official public records to completely debunk every claim made by Trump and his acolyte, Dr. Shiva. You can read the rebuttal here.

Maricopa Hoax:Our review of the “not final” Senate machine count report

Benny White, J.D.

Larry Moore

October 12, 2021

At the close of business Friday, October 8, the Senate’s lawyer, Kory Langhofer posted the full report Randy Pullen submitted to the Senate on September 24.

We initially introduced the concept of “disaffected voters” in our earlier work. Now we need to introduce one more new concept to describe our work and that is “Boxes of Interest.” When we looked at the recent report we saw a number of boxes where there was a difference between the reported Ninja hand count of ballots and the Senate machine count. We decided that where there was a difference of at least 25 ballots we would take a further look at those particular “boxes of interest” to see what, if any, those differences made in the credibility of the ballot counts of the Ninja hand count and Senate machine count. Here is a table that shows the impact.

Boxes and Ballots of Interest

The Arizona Republic highlighted our finding that over 311,000 ballots were involved in the boxes of interest where the Ninja hand count and the Senate machine count differed significantly. This large number of ballots breaks down into 167,000 where the Ninjas did not report anything about their hand count and 144,000 where they did report something but there were still significant differences with the machine count.

Our initial analysis showed the report completely discredited any comments made by Pullen or Doug Logan about the accuracy of the Senate “forensic audit.” For example, Pullen now says the report he submitted, and Sen. Fann subsequently submitted to the Attorney General when she asked for a criminal investigation of everything the Ninjas have been saying, was only preliminary. Since it is the only report of the extended audit that has been released to the public we are now going through that report in detail to see how it stacks up against the official results.

The answer is not very well. The report is very difficult to deal with. It is 695 pages long (actually 724) in PDF format. The first thing we have to do is put the information into a machine readable format to compare the hand count and machine count numbers against the official results. We use Microsoft Excel for that part of the work.

Then we try to figure out which boxes and ballots are indicated by the entries in the report. Sometimes this is straightforward and the “First Batch” entry can be related to the Ballot Manifest reported by Maricopa County. At other times we have to look at the Batch numbers and find them in the official results using the Cast Vote Record. That allows us to compare the official results of ballot counts to both the Senate machine count and the Ninja hand count of ballots.

There are problems with both the Ninjas reporting and the Senate’s supposedly final report submitted to the Senate on September 24. Doug Logan claimed to have an accurate ballot and vote count which is impossible to verify. There were also numerous claims about voter registration and voting irregularities which have been fully investigated and debunked by Maricopa County and other election knowledgeable experts.

The machine count report shows many batches of ballots that were actually counted by the machines are not reported in the report even though it is apparent by the total count that the batches missing from the report are included in the machine count total. This shows the confusion in the way Randy Pullen published his report.

Batch Counted But Not Reported

Sometimes it is just impossible to figure out what the report is trying to say, as with the two boxes of 15592, which actually had 1988 and 946 ballots for a total of 2934, instead of 1280 and 1652, for a total of 2932. Someone, at some point, moved ballots around in these two boxes. The total votes for the two boxes, combined, should be correct but the boxes don’t agree with the official results after the Ninjas have gone through them.

A Different Kind of Counting

Here’s the ballot manifest sheet for Pallet 40 where these boxes lived. It is not a lot of help either.

There are always transposition errors where someone along the line wrote something down and when someone else tried to read it or enter it into a spreadsheet they made a mistake. There are also boxes where the batches are obviously counted twice, and there were more than just a few.

Number of Double Counted Ballots

A lot of the boxes don’t include any hand count information or only a partial hand count of the ballots in the box.

No Hand Count Information Reported

Our bottom line is that there are so many errors in the machine count report and the disagreements it shows between the machine count and the hand count that nothing the Ninjas or Randy Pullen have to say about how many ballots have been counted or how many votes anyone received cannot be considered accurate. That and the fact that Doug Logan is still saying that the Ninjas have not finished reconciling the hand count numbers (of ballots) convince us, once again, that any discussion of votes based on this “forensic audit” are completely meaningless.

The official results announced last November were correct then and they are still correct today.

Ninja Claims Debunked – All of Them

Benny White, J.D.

October 8, 2021

Today Maricopa County issued reports debunking all of the claims made by the Cyber Ninjas and their self-proclaimed image analysis expert.

The Ninjas never took the time to inform themselves about Arizona election law or election administration and associated procedures. As a result they spent six months and millions of dollars concocting a bizarre series of claims about irregularities in voter registration and voting that were completely debunked by election officials and others who actually know about elections in a matter of minutes.

Dr. Shiva did not have a clue about the Arizona mail voting system or how mail ballots are verified before they are counted. As a result he completely embarrassed himself by producing a fantasy in an attempt to call the election into question. All he had to do was ask an Arizona election official but he chose to jump the shark and the fantasy went up in a puff of smoke.

Now Randy Pullen is upset with us because we challenged his report of the machine counts of ballots. All he has to do is publish a complete report instead on the erroneous counts of ballots on one pallet out of forty three pallets. We’re waiting Randy. Suggestion – first talk to Doug Logan to see if he ever finished the hand count and then work with him to get your story straight.

We should get a favorable decision from the courts in the next couple of weeks that will allow us to get the public records and then we will painstakingly go through every line of the reports of counts to show the world what a complete waste of time and money this whole fiasco has been.